Do you have reports that take a long time to run out? Not sure whether it’s normal, due to a large amount of data, or if there’s a problem? Sage Intelligence Reporting has a built-in feature for creating a performance profile when reports are generated. Allowing you to determine whether further investigation is needed.
Executing a report involves a number of steps which all add to the total amount of time taken for it to complete. These steps can be seen to some extent in the progress dialogue that appears after you click Run.
The performance profile gives a record of this information, broken down into smaller tasks and providing the time for each one. This allows you to see which activities are taking longer to complete and can help you decide whether further investigation is needed.
To create the profile, follow these steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer and make sure that file extensions are shown. If you’re not sure how to do this and are using Windows 7 or earlier then take a look here. If you are using Windows 8 or 10 then select the View tab and ensure that File name extensions is checked under the Show/hide group.
2. Navigate to your Sage Intelligence install directory and locate the file Alchemex.ini. Make a copy of it so that you have a backup in case something goes wrong.
3. Enable editing of Alchemex.ini by right clicking it, selecting Properties and then un-checking the Read Only check box. Then click OK.
4. Open Alchemex.ini in Notepad. You can do this by right clicking on it and selecting Open with > Notepad.
5. Under the [Publisher] section, add a new line with the text: ProfileExec=1. Make sure that you don’t make any other changes to the file. You can then save and close it.
6. Open the Report Manager and run out the report you’d like to create a profile for.
7. Once finished, navigate to your Metadata location. In case you’re not sure where this is, the path for it is shown in the Metadata Repository Location field under the Properties tab when you select the Home object in the Report Manager. When going to your Repository, if at some point you can’t see one of the folders in the path, it may be because it is hidden. To find out how to show hidden items, take a look here.
8. Open the folder that has the name of the report you just ran out and then open the BICORE_profiler file. A new file is created each time you run the report with the date and time included in the name.
9. The file is saved in a CSV format with the structure: Event,”TimeAt”,Seconds. You can now take a closer look at which items are taking longer to complete. You may determine that your SQL query or numerous Excel calculations for example are the cause of a long report run.
10. To disable the feature, open the Alchemex.ini file again and remove the line ProfileExec=1, or else restore the backup version that you made.
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