Are there parts of your Microsoft® Excel® worksheet that you wish you could protect? For instance you want to protect certain cells that contain certain formulas and important data, then Worksheet Protection is the answer.
Worksheet Protection prevents someone from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or deleting important data from a worksheet or workbook. You can protect certain worksheet or workbook elements, with or without a password. You also have the option to remove the protection from a worksheet.
In today’s tip, using the below example, we’ll show you how to protect the entire worksheet except for the data range C5:C9, using four easy steps.
Note: You are welcome to download the workbook to practice.
Applies To: Microsoft® Excel® 2010, 2013, 2016.
1. Unlock cells: We want you to only select the data in C5:C9.
a. Select the range C5:C9.b. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, select Format and then select Lock Cell.
2. Protect the worksheet:
a. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, select Format and then select Protect Sheet.b. De-Select the option-Select Locked Cells.c. Add a password if required and then select OK.
3. You will only be able to select the cells in the range C5:C9.
a. The formulas cannot be edited or deleted in D5:E9.
4. To Un-protect the worksheet.
a. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, select Format.b. Select Unprotect Sheet and enter a password if required.
By protecting parts of your worksheet or workbook, you can restrict the access to sensitive formulas and or important data, and avoid any unnecessary or unwanted changes.
The post Protect parts of your Excel worksheet to prevent unwanted changes appeared first on Sage Intelligence.
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