When analyzing your data, you may want to add certain parts of it up based on set criteria. You are able to do this using the DSUM Function in Microsoft® Excel®. This function enables you to drill down into your data and get specific results, leading to better decision making and ultimately, increased productivity.
By using the DSUM function, you can specify criteria and conditions regarding the cells you’d like added together. The DSUM function differs from the SUM function in that it allows you to specify one or more criteria to act as data filters.
In this example, we are going to calculate the total sales that are greater than $500 for the East Coast region.
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Applies To: Microsoft® Excel® 2000, 2010 and 2013.
We have set up a criteria list in cells G1 to H2.This is a prerequisite for the DSUM.
The syntax for the DSUM function is: DSUM (database,field,criteria).
Database: is the range of cells that makes up the list or database.
Field: indicates which column is used in the function.
Criteria: is the range of cells that contains the conditions that you specify.
Select cell G5 and enter: =DSUM(Database,D1,Criteria).
To select a named range, press F3, select from a list, then click OK.
Database is the named range for the database list (A1 to D62).
D1 represents the field being added (Product Sales).
Criteria is the named range for G1 to H2.
Thanks to the DSUM function, we have been able to quickly calculate that the total sales for transactions that are greater than $500 in the East Coast region is $6044. Using this function, you can add up data with complex criteria and save time.
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